Our Natural Period Care Story

Like all good stories, it starts with 2 friends. 

3 years ago in London, two Swedish friends had an idea for making periods more natural - just as periods were always supposed to be. 

Their investigations into the feminine care industry confirmed their suspicions: conventional products were full of undisclosed plastics and toxins. Yet, how could women know this when they unwrap a tampon or pad that looks so pure & (chlorine-bleached) white?

So, they teamed up with some of Europe's leading manufacturers of organic cotton goods, to create a range of natural period care without the nasties. 

They named the company Yoppie - short for Your Happy Period. In Sweden they pronounce it 'yoo-ppi' but we don't mind if you say it your way.

Wait! That's not the end of the story... 

Chapter 2

Spurred on by the positive reaction they received from women on natural tampons, the range was expanded to include liners & pads. 

So - mission achieved then? 

Nej - as they say in Sweden. Now, Yoppie is going even further than before - not just removing the toxins we just shouldn't be exposed to, but also in opening up the conversation about periods and feminine health. Fem Life is our first step on that journey.

And it's not just our mission that's growing: we're now part of a bigger & growing Yoppie team dedicated to our customers & our cause.  We hope you will join us for the next chapter of the Yoppie Story.   

Read more on what our mission can do for you...