Sexy Cycles: How Your Menstrual Cycle Can Affect Your Sex Life
*Fans face* Heavens! Period sex? Yes, we’re going there today. You may think the only time your menstrual cycle affects your sex life is during that time of the month, but in fact there’s a whole lot going on that you may not even realise. From your cervix to your emotions, everything changes depending on where you are in your cycle. If you’re curious to learn more about the relationship between your period and sexy time, then read on.
When should I be ‘in the mood’?
Every woman is different, but generally our sex drive tends to peak during ovulation, which happens roughly 14 days before getting our next period. You might feel a little sexier during this time, appreciate your body more, and possibly seek out attention from your partner. In short; this is what horny feels like!
The spike in your estrogen hormone makes you feel this way during the most fertile time in your cycle so that you will be more inclined to reproduce. Of course, we know that sex isn’t just for making babies, but evolutionary speaking that’s your body’s goal.
Ah, but wait! You’re wondering why you feel (possibly more) interested in sex during your period - good question. While your estrogen is at its highest during ovulation, your period (when the uterus is shedding its endometrial lining) can bring on feelings of friskiness too, thanks to the small surge in testosterone. This is generally known as the hormone that makes men want to have more sex, but it’s present in the female body too. Even more so during their period, and it can lead to an increase in libido around this time.
Can I have sex while on my period? And is it gross?
Being on your period is the time of month when you are least likely to get pregnant. It’s still possible during this time, but as your uterus is shedding its lining there generally isn’t anywhere for a fertilised egg to grab onto and grow. So in theory, this is the safest time in your cycle to have sex if you are trying to avoid pregnancy, but with that being said it is always a good idea to use contraception for extra protection.
When it comes to actually having sex while on their period, every woman views this differently. You may find you have no desire to do this while having your period, whether due to cramping, bloating, excessive bleeding, lethargy, or just plain not-in-the-mood-ness. This is perfectly OK, and at no point in your cycle can anyone make you feel like you should be having sex.
If you do find yourself curious about having sex while menstruating, there’s nothing wrong with this either! As long as you are comfortable and happy to give it a try, then there is no health risk to having sex on your period. It’s usually best to give the other person a heads up, since depending on where you are in your cycle (and the heaviness of your own personal flow) there could be some blood on display, and it’s possible this will transfer to bedsheets, clothes, etc. Some find the whole thing awkward, embarrassing or messy. Others don’t mind one bit. So forget what everyone else thinks and do what feels right for you and your partner.
Why does period sex sometimes hurt?
The position of your cervix in your abdomen actually shifts slightly depending on where you are in your cycle, which can affect certain sex positions. You might find that when your cervix is lower in your abdomen (during your period) it’s more at risk of being ‘nudged’ during sex. This is no biggy for your cervix, but not the most pleasant sensation, so you may wish to experiment with a few different sex positions until you find what works best for you.
Remember, not everyone is comfortable having sex during their period, and that’s absolutely fine. If your body gives you those sexy signals during your period, it’s OK to explore those. If, however, you’d rather cuddle up on the sofa with a big bar of chocolate and menstruate in peace, then that’s exactly what you should do.
Got questions about period sex? The awkward, the naughty, the gross… we’ve heard it all! Chat to us over on Instagram @itsyoppie.