5 Things to Make The Perfect PMS Easter Basket

Eggs are all around this time of year…that means the chocolate Easter ones...but let's not forget about the ovarian ones too! Since you may be in isolation with your female buddies, it may be a good time to start Yoppie's fav new Easter tradition: PMS-themed gift baskets! It could be for your pals, your favourite frontline worker, or even just yourself (there really is no better time than right now to take care of YOU). Sound like the wholesome gift-giving chocolate train you want to be on board of? Then look no further than these suggestions. Here are our top 5 ideas for what to include in your PMS Easter basket:

Hot Water Bunny

Ever had that dream where you’re covered in cute, cuddly bunny rabbits? No? Just us? Well, any hot water bottle will do for tummy cramps, but if you’re sticking to the Easter theme then what better to put on an aching belly than a soft bunny-shaped hot water bottle. It makes us feel all fuzzy just thinking about it. This one should do the trick. 

yoppie heat pack easter bunny

Seasonal Pads, Liners and Tampons

A staple. A must-have. If there’s one thing every Easter basket needs, it’s period products. If you’re enduring PMS during the Easter break, then you’ll want to make sure you have plenty of this to hand. Right now in isolation, sanitary products are being stockpiled which makes shopping for essentials all the more difficult. Yoppie always has your back with this, so remember you can head to our website to order sanitary products straight to your door. 

yoppie period gifts

A Mindful Colouring Book

When was the last time you coloured in? If your age was single digits, then it’s time to get back into this massively overlooked pastime. PMS affects your mood, and some women report having very serious mental health concerns thanks to their monthly visitor. That’s why doing what you can to stay mindful and practiceself-care is so important, especially when you add isolation into the mix. An Easter themed colouring book is a perfect addition to your basket to encourage mindfulness. Don’t be afraid to go outside of the lines, just focus on relaxing and giving your mind a break. 


Self-Care Essentials

Not only can self-care practices help us cope with isolation and stress, but also keep us feeling our best during PMS. It's normal for many to experience the dreaded "period skin" during our cycle, so add some pampering facial additions to keep those flare ups cool, calm and collected. One product that our team are OBSESSED with at the moment is the Period Faace face mask! Need we say more?

Yoppie Period Face Mask Easter

A Chocolate Egg (or 10)

Chocolate Easter eggs are everywhere at this time of year, and the timing couldn’t be better if you’re experiencing those PMS cravings. If you need to justify your chocolate fix, you may be interested to know that a little dark chocolate can help alleviate the symptoms of PMS as it can lower blood pressure and improve circulation. Don’t need to tell us twice! 

yoppie chocolate easter basket

Are you going to make a PMS-themed Easter basket this year? Or just using some of our suggestions to help during your period isolation? Let us know how you’re doing over on Instagram @itsyoppie